Dr. Roopa Chamraj
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Roopa
Dr. Roopa Chamraj is a renowned doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.Roopa Specializations
- Dentist
- Endodontist
Dr.Roopa Awards
- Colgate Palmolive Scholarship For 1st Rank In BDS 1 St Year 1994
- Best Paper Presentation Award State Dental Conference 2000
Dr.Roopa Education
- BDS - Government Dental College
- MDS - Conservative Dentistry Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences Andhra Pradesh
Dr.Roopa Experience
ConsultantSmile Care Centre2002 - 2005
Senior LecturerKamineni Institute Of Dental Sciences College2003 - 2005
ConsultantVasan Dental Care Centre2014 - 2016
Dr.Roopa Registration
- A-1092 Andhra Pradesh State Dental Council 2002
- Indian Dental Association
- Rct Root Canal Treatment