Dr. Roopa Salwan
35 years of experience
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About Dr.Roopa
Dr. Roopa Salwan is a renowned doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Roopa Specializations
- Cardiologist
Dr.Roopa Awards
- Gen D.R. Thapar Gold Medal for best student in Surgery 1986
- P.M. Varghese Award – Gold Medal for best house surgeon in clinical specialities 1990
- MAMC – College prize in Physiology 1983
- LUMEN GLOBAL Excellence in care of Acute MI 2013
Dr.Roopa Education
- Bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery - University of Delhi
- MD - Medicine - University of Delhi
- DM - Cardiology - University of Delhi
Dr.Roopa Experience
Dr.Roopa Registration
- 6710 Delhi Medical Council 2000
- Cardiac Catheterisation
- Pulmonary Function Test Pft
- Coronary Angiogram
- Pacemaker Implantation