Dr. Ruchi Varshney (Physiotherapist)
26 years of experience
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About Dr.Ruchi
Dr. Ruchi Varshney (Physiotherapist) is a reputed doctor in Delhi with over 26 years of experience.
Dr.Ruchi Specializations
- Physiotherapist
- Orthopedic Physiotherapist
- Clinical Physiotherapist
Dr.Ruchi Education
- BPTh/BPT - Institute Of Physically Handicapped, Delhi
- MPT - Orthopedic Physiotherapy - University of Delhi
Dr.Ruchi Experience
Former HOD PhysiotherapistJeevan Anmol Hospital
- Indian Association of Physiotherapist
- Joint Mobilization
- Sports Fracture Rehabilitation
- Spondylitis
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Treatment
- Chronic Pain Treatment
- Arthritis And Pain Management