Dr. Ruchika Bansal (Physiotherapist) Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Pediatric Physiotherapist
26 years of experience
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About Dr.Ruchika Bansal
Dr. Ruchika Bansal (Physiotherapist) is one of the most esteemed doctor in Ludhiana.
Dr.Ruchika Bansal Specializations
- Pediatric Physiotherapist
- Physiotherapist
- Sports And Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
- Neuro Physiotherapist
Dr.Ruchika Bansal Education
- BPTh/BPT - Srm college
- Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher - Dr. Kataria School of Laughter Yoga
Dr.Ruchika Bansal Experience
Junior PhysiotherapistCMC&H1999 - 2000
PhysiotherapistGovt. Medical College & Hospital2000 - 2002
PhysiotherapistMIOT2002 - 2004
DemonstratorAll Saints Institute of medical Science and research2004 - 2006
Chief PhysiotherapistAaram Physiotherapy Clinic2006 - 2015
Dr.Ruchika Bansal Registration
- 5373 L-Indian Association Of Physiotherapists (IAP) 1999
- Indian Association of Physiotherapist
- Atm Physiotherapy