Dr. Sandeep Kumar R.B (Physiotherapist)
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Sandeep
Dr. Sandeep Kumar R.B (Physiotherapist) is a reputed doctor in Bengaluru with over 24 years of experience.
Dr.Sandeep Specializations
- Physiotherapist
- Sports And Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
- Orthopedic Physiotherapist
- Geriatric Physiotherapist
- Neuro Physiotherapist
Dr.Sandeep Awards
- Outstanding Student Achievement Award 1999
Dr.Sandeep Education
- Diploma in Physiotherapy - HOSMAT Hospital Educational Institute, Bangalore, India
- M.Sc. in Sport and Health Sciences - University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
Dr.Sandeep Experience
Consultant PhysiotherapistShanthi Physiotherapy Clinic2001 - 2005
Consultant PhysiotherapistPhysiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic2007 - 2015
Consultant PhysiotherapistAlmeida Speciality Clinic, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic2007 - 2015
Consultant PhysiotherapistViveks Physiotherapy and Rehab Clinic2007 - 2015
Consultant PhysiotherapistAnand Clinic, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic2012 - 2015
- Karnatka State Physiotherapy Federation
- Foot Drop
- Osteoarthritis Physiotherapy
- Partial Knee Replacement
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Physiotherapy
- Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapy