Dr. Sangeeta Dellikar Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Wellness Coach
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Sangeeta
Dr. Sangeeta Dellikar is one of the most esteemed doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.Sangeeta Specializations
- Wellness Coach
- Dietitian/Nutritionist
- Yoga And Naturopathy
- Alternative Medicine
Dr.Sangeeta Education
- BNYS - Government Gandhi Naturopthy Medical College, Hyderabad
- MHSc - Annamalai Universtiy
- Diploma in Acupuncture - Indian integrated acupuncture association
Dr.Sangeeta Experience
OwnerVirindaa Nature Cure Yoga Clinic2001 - 2014
Dr.Sangeeta Registration
- 83 AYUSH 2001
- Chiropractic Medicine
- Yoga Therapy
- Meditation
- Hydrotherapy