Dr. Sanjay M H
14 years of experience
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Dr.Sanjay Specializations
- Oncologist
Dr.Sanjay Awards
- Fellow in clinical oncology 2015
- Fellow in stereotactic radiotherapy 2016
Dr.Sanjay Education
- MBBS - Navodaya Medical college, hospitals and research centre
- DNB - Radiotherapy - Amrita institute of medical sciences, Cochin
- Clinical Fellowship in Division Radiation Oncology - National Cancer Centre Singapore
Dr.Sanjay Experience
Consultant Radiation OncologistRuby Hall Clinic2017 - 2017
Consultant Radiation OncologistRising Medicare Hospital2017 - 2017
Senior RegistrarDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Ruby Hall Clinic2016 - 2017
Clinical FellowDepartment of Radiation Oncology ,Tata Medical Centre2015 - 2016
Registrar,Radiation OncologyHCG Bangalore Institute of Oncology Speciality Centre2014 - 2015
DNB ResidentDepartment of Radiation Oncology at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Cochin2011 - 2014
Dr.Sanjay Registration
- 87289 Karnataka Medical Council 2010
- Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI)
- Chemotherapy
- External Beam Radiation For Prostate Cancer
- Lung Cancer Treatment
- Radiotherapy
- Treatment Of Central Nervous System Tumors