Dr. Sapna Tripathi Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
11 years of experience
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About Dr.Sapna
Dr. Sapna Tripathi is one of the most esteemed doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Sapna Specializations
- Physiotherapist
Dr.Sapna Education
- BPTh/BPT - DIBNS Dehradun, Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University
- MPTh/MPT - DIBNS Dehradun, Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University
Dr.Sapna Experience
PhysiotherapistGurujyoti Multispeciality Centre2017 - 2017
- Postural Training
- Physiotherapy For Sports Injury Rehabilitation
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Spine Injury