Dr. Saravanan Lakshmanan
25 years of experience
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About Dr.Saravanan
Dr. Saravanan Lakshmanan is a renowned doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Saravanan Specializations
- Andrologist
- Clinical Embryologist
- Sexologist
Dr.Saravanan Awards
- Best Doctor Couple Award 2006
- Best Fertility Centre From Hon.Governor of TN Dr.Rosiah 2014
- Gold Medalist in Embryology in Chettinad University 2012
Dr.Saravanan Education
- MBBS - Rajah Muthiah Dental College Hospital,Annamalai University,
- Diploma in Anesthesiology (Ay.) - Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai
- FICS (Andrology) - Chettinad Health City
- Diploma in Clinical Embryology - Chettinad Health City
Dr.Saravanan Experience
PhysicianAbhijay Hospital2000 - 2015
Clinical AndrologistARC International Fertility & Research centre2011 - 2015
Dr.Saravanan Registration
- 61337 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1998
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR)
- Indian Fertility Society (IFS)
- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
- American Society of Reproductive Medicine
- Clinical Embryologist
- Embryo Donor Program
- Natural Cycle Ivf
- Infertility Evaluation Treatment
- Intra Uterine Insemination Iui
- Donor Insemination Surrogacy