Dr. Satish S.nagargoje Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
20 years of experience
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About Dr.Satish
Dr. Satish S.nagargoje is a renowned doctor in Thane.
Dr.Satish Specializations
- Psychiatrist
- Sexologist
- Clinical Psychologist
Dr.Satish Awards
- Best psych 2014
Dr.Satish Education
- MBBS - Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal
- Diploma in Clinical Psychiatry - J.J hospital
Dr.Satish Experience
PsychatristManas2008 - 2016
Dr.Satish Registration
- 0299 Maharashtra Medical Council 2005
- Anger Management
- Depression Treatment
- Anxiety Disorders Treatment
- Schizophrenia Treatment
- Deaddiction Counselling
- Career Counselling
- Suicidal Behavior
- Child And Adolescent Problems
- Online Counselling
- Bipolar Disorder Treatment
- Stress Management
- Female Sexual Problems
- Psychotherapy Adult