Dr. Saurabh Gangwar
Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Saurabh
Dr. Saurabh Gangwar is a highly skilled doctor in Lucknow.
Dr.Saurabh Specializations
- Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
Dr.Saurabh Education
- MBBS-Opthalmology - King Georges Medical College, Lucknow University
- MS - Ophthalmology - L.P.S Institute of Cardiology, G.S.V.M Medical College, Kanpur
Dr.Saurabh Experience
Cosultant General Ophthalmologist & Medical RetinaSun Eye Hospital and Laser Centre Pvt Ltd2009 -
Dr.Saurabh Registration
- 52587 Medical Council of India (MCI) 2006
- Lucknow Ophthalmological Society