Dr. Saurabh Giri
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Saurabh
Dr. Saurabh Giri is a renowned doctor in Pune.
Dr.Saurabh Specializations
- Orthopedist
Dr.Saurabh Awards
- SICOT fellowship in Hip and knee Arthoplasty 2018
- Fellowship in Revision Surgery Hip and Knee Arthroplasty 2018
- Fellowship in Joint Replacement And Joint Reconstruction 2015
- Paper Presentation at 37TH SICOT world Congress, Italy 2017
Dr.Saurabh Education
- MS - Orthopaedics - RIMS
- MBBS - Maharashtra Universtity of Health Sciences, Nashik
- Fellowship in Joint Replacement of Knee and Hip - Santo Spirito Hospital Rome Italy
- Fellowship In Revision Surgery Hip and knee Arthroplasty - Helios Endo Klinik, Hamburg, Germany
- Fellowship In Joint Replacement And Reconstruction - Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune
Dr.Saurabh Experience
Senior ResidentJawaharlal Nehru Medical College2014 - 2015
Fellowship In Joint Replacement And ReconstructionDeenanath Mangeshkar Hospital2015 - 2015
Consultant Orthopaedic SurgeonMewar Orthopaedic Hospital2016 - 2018
SICOT Fellowship In Hip And Knee ArthroplastySanto Spirito Hospital, Rome, Italy.2018 - 2018
Associate ConsultantShalby Hospital2018 - 2018
Dr.Saurabh Registration
- 09/34213 Medical Council of India (MCI) 2009
- SICOT Orthopaedic association
- Acl Reconstruction
- Arthritis Management
- Arthroscopy
- Back Pain Treatment
- Cervical Spondylitis Treatment
- Disc Prolapse
- Fracture Treatment
- Frozen Shoulder Treatment
- Hip Arthroplasty
- Joint Pain Treatment
- Joint Replacement Surgery
- Knee Arthroplasty
- Knee Pain Treatment
- Orthopedic Physical Therapy
- Revision Hip And Knee Arthroplasty