Dr. Seema Santosh
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Seema
Dr. Seema Santosh is a highly skilled doctor in Gurgaon.
Dr.Seema Specializations
- Gynecologist
- Obstetrician
Dr.Seema Education
- MBBS - Government Medical College, Jammu
- DGO - Government Medical College, Jammu
Dr.Seema Experience
Jr. ResidentGovt. Medical College Jammu2003 - 2003
Medical OfficerLady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi2006 - 2006
Sr. ResidentRao Tula Ram Memorial Hospital Jafarpur, Najafgarh-Delhi2006 - 2009
ConsultantManipal Hospital, Bangalore2010 - 2011
ConsultantApollo Cradle, sector 14 Gurgaon2012 - 2015
ConsultantMetro Lifeline hospital, Palam Vihar Gurgaon2012 - 2015
Sr. Consultant (Owner)Vibhuti Women's Clinic, Palam Vihar Gurgaon2012 - 2015
Ex ResidentRao Tula Ram Memorial Hospaital2006 - 2009
Junior CounsultantManipal Hospital2010 - 2012
OwnerVibhuti Women's Clinic2013 -
Dr.Seema Registration
- 7193 Jammu & Kashmir Medical Council 2002
- Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
- Epidurals
- Quad Screen
- Essure System
- Breast Examination
- Colposcopy Examination
- Well Woman Healthcheck
- Cervical Cerclage
- Artificial Insemination
- Contraception Advice
- Hpv Vaccination
- Vagina Surgery
- Amniocentesis
- Pre And Post Delivery Care
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Dysmenorrhea Treatment
- Laparoscopy
- Proctoscopy
- Clinical Embryologist
- Embryo Donor Program
- Natural Cycle Ivf
- Endoscopy
- Breast Cancer Screening
- Pap Smear