Dr. Seetharam
42 years of experience
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About Dr.Seetharam
Dr. Seetharam is a Diabetologist in Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad and has an experience of 38 years in this field. Dr. Seetharam practices at VK Diacare in Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad,Alekhya & VK Diacare in Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad and Medcare Diagnostics and Clinics in Manikonda, Hyderabad. He completed MBBS from Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada in 1983.
Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Others services,Free screening,Optholmic care,Lab Services and Discount diabetic packages etc
Dr.Seetharam Specializations
- Diabetologist
Dr.Seetharam Education
- MBBS - Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada
Dr.Seetharam Experience
General PhyscianVK General clinic1983 - 2000
DiabetologistVK Diabetic center(Assciated with as a Director with alekhya scaning center and medical diagnostic center)2000 - 2014
Dr.Seetharam Registration
- 15536 Andhra Pradesh Medical Council 1983
- Foot Care