Dr. Selvam
General Physician
30 years of experience
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About Dr.Selvam
Dr. Selvam is one of the most esteemed doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Selvam Specializations
- General Physician
Dr.Selvam Education
- MBBS - Dr B R Ambedkar medical college
Dr.Selvam Experience
General PhysicianDr.Selvam's Clinic1992 -
Dr.Selvam Registration
- 54495 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1994
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Fever Treatment
- Specialty Diagnostics In Tuberculosis
- Hiv Counselling
- Colour Doppler
- Diabetes Management
- Family Planning And Full Contraceptive Services
- Hypoperfusion
- Infectious Disease Treatment
- Stress Management Counselling