Dr. Shakeb Danish
Addiction Psychiatrist
18 years of experience
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About Dr.Shakeb
Dr. Shakeb Danish is one of the most esteemed doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Shakeb Specializations
- Addiction Psychiatrist
- General Physician
- Adolescent And Child Psychiatrist
Dr.Shakeb Education
- DPM (Psychiatry) - College of physicians and Surgeons Mumbai
- MBBS - University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Dr.Shakeb Experience
Doctor & OwnerMind Care Clinic, Miraroad East2006 - 2017
Dr.Shakeb Registration
- 2002/11/3591 Maharashtra Medical Council 2002
- Anger Management
- Depression Treatment
- Schizophrenia Treatment
- Parent Counseling
- Psychic Integration
- Bipolar Disorder Treatment
- Stress Management Counselling
- Anxiety Disorders Treatment