Dr. Shankar.m.n
Ent/ Otorhinolaryngologist
28 years of experience
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About Dr.Shankar.m.n
Dr. Shankar.m.n is one of the most esteemed doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Shankar.m.n Specializations
- Ent/ Otorhinolaryngologist
Dr.Shankar.m.n Awards
- Best Outgoing Student in Madras University for DLO 2000
- Best Outgoing Student in the Tn Dr MGR University for MS (ENT) 2000
Dr.Shankar.m.n Education
- MBBS - Madras Medical College, Chennai
- MS - ENT - Madras Medical College, Chennai
Dr.Shankar.m.n Experience
Dr.Shankar.m.n Registration
- 43306 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1987
- European Society Of ENT
- Politzer Society Switzerland
- Indian Association of Otolaryngologist
- Indian Association of Otologist
- Indian Skullbase Society
- Ear Pain
- Rhinoplasty
- Tonsillitis Treatment
- Eardrum Rupture Treatment
- Sinusitis
- Congenital Ear Problem Treatment
- Hearing Loss
- Fracture Nasal Bone Correction
- Reconstructive Middle Ear Surgery
- Pediatric Otolaryngology
- Nasal Endoscopy