Dr. Shilpa Gupta K S Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Shilpa Gupta
Dr. Shilpa Gupta K S is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Shilpa Gupta Specializations
- Gynecologist/Obstetrician
- Gynecologist
Dr.Shilpa Gupta Awards
- Can sonographic depiction of fetal head position prior to or at the onset of labor predict mode of delivery ?? AICOG Conference 2017
- To assess the efficacy of Endometrial Receptivity Array(ERA) as a diagnostic tool and the impact of personalized embryo transfer(pET) for the treatment of patients with previous implantation failure. Life Conference 2019
- Effect of paternal age on semen parameters and live birth rate of in-ART Cycles. A retrospective study AICOG conference 2018
- Publishes article regarding; Locating the Level and Extent of Congenital High Airway Obstruction: Fluid in the Airway Tract as Reference Points. J Ultrasound Med 2017
- Published article regarding Spinal Anaesthesia for Quicker Recovery in Fast-Track Abdominal Hysterectomy. JCDR 2017
- Poster presentation To assess the efficacy of Endometrial Receptivity Array(ERA) as a diagnostic tool and the impact of personalized embryo transfer(pET) for the treatment of patients with previous implantation failure. Life Conference 2019
Dr.Shilpa Gupta Education
- MBBS - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum
- MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Kasturba medical college, Mangalore, Manipal University, Karnataka
Dr.Shilpa Gupta Experience
Consultant infertility specialistKaavya Fertility and research center2020 - 2021
Fellowship in reproductive medicine Gunasheela IVF Centre, RGUHS2018 - 2020
Juniour consultant Yashoda hospital2018 - 2018
Senior registrar JIPMER2016 - 2018
Assistant professor Basaveshwara medical college2015 - 2016
Postgraduate Kasturba Medical College, Manipal2012 - 2015
Doctor Mamatha hospital2010 - 2012
Dr.Shilpa Gupta Registration
- 86821 Karnataka Medical Council 2010
- High Risk Pregnancy Care
- Caesarean Section
- Ivf
- Vaginoplasty
- Hymenectomy