Dr. Shilpa Shetty
19 years of experience
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About Dr.Shilpa
Dr. Shilpa Shetty is a renowned doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Shilpa Specializations
- Ayurveda
Dr.Shilpa Education
- BAMS - Sion Ayurveda College, Mumbai
Dr.Shilpa Experience
As Aa HODMadhav Baug Heart Rehabilation Center2006 - 2009
Dr.Shilpa Registration
- 54145 Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine 2007
- Migraine Treatment
- Detoxification
- Abhyangam
- Nasyam
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Diabetes Treatment
- Skin Tag Treatment
- Dysmenorrhea Treatment
- Sirodhara
- Memory Improvement
- Beauty Enhancement
- Udwarthanam
- Gastritis Treatment
- Panchakarma
- Obesity Treatment
- Herbal Steam Bath
- Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapy
- Arthritis Management
- Nadi Pariksha
- Ayurvedic Massage
- Infertility Evaluation Treatment
- Sinus Sinusitis Treatment