Dr. Shiny T.n Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
12 years of experience
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About Dr.Shiny
Dr. Shiny T.n is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Shiny Specializations
- Dermatosurgeon
- Dermatologist
- Venereologist
Dr.Shiny Awards
- Awarded 2nd Prize in National PG Dermatology Quiz,from IADVL GSK quiz(IGNQPP) 2015-16 2013
- Awarded 2nd Prize in paper presentation on the study the patch testing and cross sensitivity in adverse cutaneous drug reactions suspected to be due to anti-epileptics CUTICON 2015 , Patiala 2015
- Awarded 2 nd Prize in LEPRACON , Ludhiana Punjab 2015 2015
Dr.Shiny Education
- MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy - Dr. Rajendar Prasad Government Medical College, Tanda, H.P
- MBBS - Al-Ameen Medical College
Dr.Shiny Experience
Resident doctorDepartment of Emergency Medicine, Apollo BGS, Hospital, Mysore2015 - 2015
Resident doctorsThe department of DVL, at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Govt. Medical college, India2013 - 2016
Consultant DermatologistKaya Clinic2017 - 2018
Dr.Shiny Registration
- 83315 Karnataka Medical Council 2009
- Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
- Medical Council of India (MCI)
- Skin Polishing
- Bacterial Skin Infection Treatment
- Skin Rash Treatment
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Dermabrasion
- Skin Checks
- Skin Tag Treatment
- Hyper Pigmentation Treatment
- Skin Treatment
- Skin Allergies
- Microdermabrasion
- Skin Biopsy
- Anti Aging Treatment
- Skin Boosters And Fillers
- Skin Care
- Wrinkle Treatment
- Skin Peeling