Dr. Shivam Joshi Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
10 years of experience
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About Dr.Shivam
Dr. Shivam Joshi is one of the most esteemed doctor in Rajkot.
Dr.Shivam Specializations
- Ayurveda
Dr.Shivam Awards
- Gold medal 2013
Dr.Shivam Education
- BAMS - Govt. Akhandanand Ayurvedic College And Hospital
- MD - Ayurveda Medicine - IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar
- Ph.D. Kayachikitsa - IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar
Dr.Shivam Experience
Clinical registerIPGT&RA hospital, Jamnagar2010 - 2013
Ph.D. scholarIPGT&RA hospital, Jamagar2014 - 2015
Dr.Shivam Registration
- GB(I)-17398 Gujarat Board of Ayurvedic & Unani Systems of Medicine 2016
- Liver Disease Treatment
- Epilepsy Treatment
- Kidney Disease Treatment
- Diabetes Management
- Pituitary Diseases
- Panchakarma
- Disc Prolapse