Dr. Shivaprasad Ks Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
17 years of experience
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About Dr.Shivaprasad
Dr. Shivaprasad Ks is one of the most esteemed doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Shivaprasad Specializations
- Diabetologist
- Endocrinologist
Dr.Shivaprasad Education
- MD - Medicine - Vijayanagara Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS), Bellary
- MBBS - Mysore Medical Colloge, Mysore
- DM - Endocrinology - IPGMER,KOLKATA,West Bengal University of Health Sciences
Dr.Shivaprasad Experience
Resident In Department Of MedicineGoverment Medical College2005 - 2008
Resident In Department Of EndocrinologyIPMER2008 - 2014
Consultant EndocrinologistApollo Hospital2014 -
Dr.Shivaprasad Registration
- 68831 Karnataka Medical Council 2004
- Karnataka Medical Council
- Thyroid Swelling
- Diabetes In Children
- Hypertension Treatment
- Diabetes Management
- Gestational Diabetes Management
- Lactation Counselling
- Goiter Treatment
- Bioidentical Hormone Therapies For Men And Women
- Thyroid Disorder Treatment