Dr. Shivkumar Sambargi
Paediatric Intensivist
20 years of experience
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About Dr.Shivkumar
Dr. Shivkumar Sambargi is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Shivkumar Specializations
- Paediatric Intensivist
- Pediatrician
- Neonatologist
Dr.Shivkumar Education
- MBBS - Al-Ameen Medical College,Bijapur
- MD - Pediatrics - Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore
- Fellowship in Pediatric Intensive Care - St. Philomena’s Hospital, Bangalore
- Fellowship in Neonatology - Kings College Hospital, London
Dr.Shivkumar Experience
Resident- PaediatricsBangalore Medical College & Research Institute2005 - 2008
Assistant ProfessiorJawaharlal Medical College2009 - 2010
Junior ConsultantBGS Global Hospital2011 - 2012
Fellow-Pediatric Intensive CareSt. Philomena's Hospital2013 - 2013
Clinical Fellow- Neonatal UnitUniversity Hospital Lewisham2014 - 2014
Senior Clinical FellowKing's College Hospital, London2015 - 2015
Consultant- Pediatric Intensivist and NeonatologistSakra World Hospital2016 -
Dr.Shivkumar Registration
- 63084 Karnataka Medical Council 2002
- Karnataka Medical Council
- Dengue Fever Treatment
- Malaria Treatment
- Head Injury
- Seizures