Dr. Shravan Kumar Bohra Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
35 years of experience
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About Dr.Shravan
Dr. Shravan Kumar Bohra is a highly skilled doctor in Ahmedabad.
Dr.Shravan Specializations
- Gastroenterologist
- Hepatologist
Dr.Shravan Awards
- Presented Research work at Irish, British European, American and World Gastroenterology / Hepatology Conferences.
- One of the only few Indian to have Fellowship of European Board of Gastroenterology.
- Participated in six multi-centric International Drug trials in Ireland. Performed two TIPS procedures (Trans Jugular Intra Hepatic, Porto-Systemic Shunt) successfully at Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad, first time in the history of Guajrat
- Invited as a faculty at few national conferences. Established Liver Clinic and advanced hepatology services at Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad. Performed many rare and difficult therapeutic GI endoscopic procedures at Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad
Dr.Shravan Education
- MBBS - University of Rajasthan
- MD - General Medicine - University of Rajasthan
- MRCP (UK) - Royal Colleges Of Physicians,london, Uk
Dr.Shravan Experience
RegistrarJaslok Hospital2018 - 2019
Consultant GastroentrologistDistrict Hospital, Dundalk (Ireland)2018 - 2019
Consultant GastroentrologistCork University Hospital, Ireland.2018 - 2019
GastroenterologistApollo Hospitals2018 - 2019
Dr.Shravan Registration
- G-34283 Gujarat Medical Council 2004
- FEBG (Gastro), Fellow European Board of Gastroentrology
- Abdominal Pain Treatment
- Acidity Treatment
- Acute Pancreatitis Treatment
- Bladder Cancer Surgery
- Colitis Treatment
- Constipation Treatment
- Ercp
- Gastritis Treatment
- Gastroenteritis Treatment
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
- Gastroscopy
- Hemorrhoids Treatment
- Hepatitis A Treatment
- Hepatitis B Treatment
- Hepatitis C Treatment
- Hepatitis D Treatment
- Hepatitis E Treatment
- Jaundice Treatment
- Liver Disease Treatment
- Liver Transplantation
- Pancreas Transplantation
- Steatosis
- Ulcerative Colitis Treatment