Dr. Shruthi C
Ent/ Otorhinolaryngologist
18 years of experience
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About Dr.Shruthi
Dr. Shruthi C is one of the most esteemed doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Shruthi Specializations
- Ent/ Otorhinolaryngologist
- Ent, Head And Neck Surgeon
Dr.Shruthi Education
- MBBS - KIMS Hubli
- MS - Otorhinolaryngology - MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital, Bangalore
Dr.Shruthi Experience
Assistant ProfessorVydehi Institute of Medical Sciences2012 - 2017
Junior residentVictoria Hospital2007 - 2009
Dr.Shruthi Registration
- 77828 Karnataka Medical Council 2007
- Tonsillitis Treatment