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Dr. Shubhanshu Bhaladhare undefined

Dr. Shubhanshu Bhaladhare
Medical Registration Verified

Spine Surgeon

11 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Shubhanshu Bhaladhare

Questions Answered By Dr. Shubhanshu Bhaladhare

Asked for Female, 30 Years

I have tingling in my legs starting from the back trough the buttocks continuing down to the legs. I was doing exercises stretching as forward fold and split recently. Pain started more than two weeks ago

Answered on 23rd May '24

The way you explained your symptoms is very typical of Sciatica.
I happens when the soft disc in between the two spine bone get compressed while lifting something leading to it's backward protrusion where the nerve supplying your leg lies. This cause a severe radiating pain from back to buttock.
Usually with few days of complete bed rest it recovers on its own. However if it persisted for more than one week it's a red flag and needs a spine specialist consultation.
Asked for Female, 26 Years

I have a pinched nerve in my neck and lower back my symptoms have worsen and are causing stroke like symptoms

Answered on 23rd May '24

You might be suffering from cervical Spondylosis.
it's a condition where the soft disc in between the two bones of spine gets degenerated and prolapsed leading to compression of nerve 
Mostly it is related due to poor posture and in some case genetics.
Presence of red flags like weakness of Upper limb or lower limb, unsteady gait, Urine or stool symptoms will need an emergency Spine Specialist Consultant.
If no red flags then it can be very well managed with conservative treatment after a thorough clinical and radiological assesment by your Spine Specialist.
Asked for Male, 49 Years

Real sore back and getting pain in top of legs

Answered on 23rd May '24

Please try some rest for next 2-3 days if in 2-3 days no reduction in pain then please consult a spine specialist.
Asked for Female, 70 Years

Lower hip nerve compression with severe pain in left leg

Answered on 23rd May '24

 Try taking bed rest for next 2-3 days along with some easily available painkiller over the counter. Even after 3 days pain didn't subside please consult spine specialist near you
Asked for Male, 58 Years

Read ki haddi ki NAS dabbi Hui hai uska upchar bataen

Answered on 23rd May '24

रीढ़ की हड्डी में नस दबना, रोड की हड्डी में पाए जाने वाले डिस्क के फटने के कारण होता है। नस पे दबाव के कारण पैरो में दर्द होना, पैरो में काकोरी आना या पैर सुन हो जाने जैसे लक्षण सामान्य है। इस इलाज होने वाले तकलीफों पे निर्भर करता है अगर दर्द सिर्फ पैरो पे है पर कोई कमजोरी नहीं है तो इसका इलाज आराम करके किया जा सकता है। अगर दर्द फिर भी काम न हो तो फिजियो या इंजेक्शन से दर्द कम किया सकता है। ९५% लोगो में यह दर्द अपने आप चला जाता है। कुछ लोगो में इससे ठीक करने के लिए surgey भी की जाती है। पर यह सब का इलाज किसी spine specialist के परामर्श पे ही करे।
Asked for Male, 40 Years

i am suffering Disc bulge problem

Answered on 23rd May '24

Disc Bulge is one of the stages of Disc degeneration happening in spine. It can happen in normal person too but needs attention when it is symptomatic. Symptoms range from Back pain, morning stiffness, radiating leg pain, weakness. Depending upon clinical findings treatment can be titrated ranging from rehabilitation with postural changes, painkiller, steroid and last resort as surgery. 90% of patient gets better with bed rest and posture changes only. If neglected can further detiorates the condition leading to weakness, numbness in foot due to slipped disc.
Thus a proper assesment needed by a Spine Specialist before starting a said line of treatment.
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