Dr. Shubhra Chowdhry Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
12 years of experience
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About Dr.Shubhra
Dr. Shubhra Chowdhry is one of the most esteemed Dentist in Lucknow.He holds an experience of 10 years in medical field. He has completed his BDS from Career post graduate institute of dental sciences and hospital in 2012. He carries his medicinal practice at Just Smile Dental Clinic in Gomtinagar(Lucknow). He is a respected member of Indian Dental Association.
Dr.Shubhra Specializations
- Dentist
Dr.Shubhra Education
- BDS - Career post graduate institute of dental sciences and hospital
Dr.Shubhra Experience
ConsultantJust Smile Dental Clinic Madiyaon2013 -
Dr.Shubhra Registration
- 12864 Uttar Pradesh Dental Council 2012
- Indian Dental Association
- Dental Fillings
- Artificial Teeth
- Tooth Extraction
- Crowns And Bridges Fixing