Dr. Siddhesh Nar
10 years of experience
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About Dr.Siddhesh
Dr. Siddhesh Nar is a renowned doctor in Ahmedabad.
Dr.Siddhesh Specializations
- Dentist
Dr.Siddhesh Awards
- Certified Implantologist 2016
Dr.Siddhesh Education
- BDS - College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Ahmedabad
Dr.Siddhesh Experience
DentistNakshtra Dental Care and Implant Center2016 - 2017
Dr.Siddhesh Registration
- A-13495 Gujarat State Dental Council 2017
- Indian Dental Association
- Dental Council of India
- Restoration Aesthetics
- Osseointegrated Implants
- Advanced Surgery In Implantology
- Implant Prosthesis
- Implant Rehabilitation
- Implant Retained Dentures
- Tooth Coloured Fillings
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction
- Composite Bondings
- Porcelain Veneers
- Porcelain Inlays And Onlays
- Artificial Teeth
- Tooth Extraction
- Post And Core
- Dental Braces Fixing
- Inlays And Onlays
- Dental Crowns
- Periodontal Flap Surgery
- Dental Examinations
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Amalgam Removal
- Laminates
- Dental Fillings
- Dental Restoration
- Dental Sealant
- Alveolectomy
- Fixed Prosthodontics
- Dental Prophylaxis
- Dental Screening And Prophylaxis
- Oral Lesions Screening
- Teeth Reshaping
- Teeth Straightening
- Teeth Whitening
- Facial Aesthetic Surgery
- Oral Rehabilitation
- Cosmetic Makeovers
- Oral Surgery Procedures
- Orthodontic Treatment
- Preparation For Dentures
- Cast Partial Denture
- Surgical Tooth Extraction
- Ceramic Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Acrylic Partial Denture
- Endo Surgery Or Apicoectomy
- Discolored Tooth Restoration
- Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Scraping Periodontal
- Immediate Dentures