Dr. Silky Mahajan
Sports Nutritionist
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Silky
Ms Silky Mahajan is an author of 'Nutrition for Sportspersons' book (published by Department of Youth Empowerment & Sports, Government of Karnataka), Silky Mahajan is a highly acclaimed name in the list of top Nutritionists in India. She is the Founder & Nutrition Expert at Foods & Nutrition Clinics, Bangalore. An award-winning nutritionist, she changes the way you eat forever with her acute understanding of nutrition and its significance in the diet. She has a Masters degree in Foods & Nutrition from Panjab University, Chandigarh. Also, she is Certified Sports Nutritionist from International Sports Science Association, USA. Silky also got trained in the field of Nutrition from Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Chandigarh and Fortis Escort Hospital. She is holding Certified Diabetes Educator certification from International Hope Health Academy (IDEEL) in order to have the vast knowledge of Diabetes/Insulin response in athletes. Also, she is an active member of Indian Dietetics Association (IDA).
Her profound knowledge in the field of nutrition and dietetics has made her the youngest most Nutritionists in the country. In an extremely short span of time, she has dealt with athletes globally, both elite players who have participated in top International Championships as well as young budding athletes with a promising future. She believes that all the joy of life comes from the right food you eat- in right amounts and, at the right time.
She has acquired wide experience working with Fortis Hospital, Alere Medicals, Sports Academies, and many other reputed MNCs that have led her to become one of the country's pre-eminent nutrition experts working towards proper nutrition therapy for society to lead a healthier lifestyle. She is one of the very few certified sports nutritionists in India offering services to NGOs as well. As a prolific author, Silky Mahajan's columns appear in leading newspapers, sports/fitness magazines, social networking websites, and other online platforms. She has also participated in many panel discussions on nutrition in FM Radios, corporate houses, sports academies, schools, and colleges.
Silky has been practicing Nutrition for more than seven years in the field of sports as well as clinical nutrition. As part of sports nutrition, she covers most sports nutrition sub-specialties like carbohydrate loading, hydration strategy, energy & endurance, muscle building, insulin management, optimise performance and sports nutritional deficiency. As part of clinical nutrition, she covers Human nutrition (Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood & Older Adulthood), Weight Management, Medical Nutrition Therapy (e.g. Diabetes, Hypertension, Eating disorders, Thyroid, PCOS) as well as corporate nutrition classes.
Dr.Silky Specializations
- Sports Nutritionist
- Dietitian/Nutritionist
Dr.Silky Awards
- Member of Indian Dietetic association 2010
- Author of 'Nutrition for Sportspersons' book published by DYES, Government of Karnataka 2017
- Best Sports Nutritionist in Karnataka 2016
- Best Nutritionist in Bangalore 2016
Dr.Silky Education
- B.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition) - PUNJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH
- M.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition) - PUNJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH
- Certified Specialist in Sports Nutrition - International Sports Science Association
Dr.Silky Experience
NutrtionistAlere Medicals2011 -
Senior NutritionistFree Lancer2013 - 2015
NutritionistQualcomm2015 -
Center DietitianFortis Hospital2010 - 2011
- Indian Dietetic Association
- Weight Gain Diet Counseling
- Diabetic Diet Counseling
- Nutritional Education
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Diet Counseling
- Weight Loss Diet Counseling
- Diet For Kids
- Diet Therapy
- Diet Counselling
- Sports Nutrition
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Epilepsy
- Ketogenic Diet
- Therapeutic Diets
- Healthy Heart Diet
- Weight Management Counseling