Dr. Simon Thomas
13 years of experience
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About Dr.Simon
Dr. Simon Thomas is one of the most esteemed doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Simon Specializations
- Orthopedist
Dr.Simon Awards
- Winner of Delhi orthopaedic quiz 2004
- Second runner up Indian orthopaedic association Quiz 2004
- Winner of Delhi Orthopaedic Association Quiz 2005
- RC Rallan Memorial Gold Medal For The Best Paper of The year 2006
Dr.Simon Education
- MBBS - Government Dental College , Trivandrum, Kerela university
- DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery - St. Stephen's Hospital Delhi
- M.Ch - Orthopaedics - USAIM (University of Seychelles,American Institute of Medicine)
- Fellowship in Revision Arthroplasty(Germany) - Endo Klnik, Germany
- AO Fellowship in pelvi acetabular and complex trauma surgery - University of Saarland, Germany
Dr.Simon Experience
Consultant Orthopedics and Joint ReplacementsSant Parmanand Hospital2006 -
Consultant Orthopedics and Joint ReplacementsSant Parmanand Clinic, Pitampura2012 -
Dr.Simon Registration
- 17644 Delhi Medical Council 2003
- Delhi Orthopedic Association
- Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Indian Arthroplasty Association
- AO Trauma
- Indian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeons
- Knee Replacement
- Joint Replacement Surgery
- Hip Replacement
- Correction Of Deformities
- Complex Trauma