Dr. Snehal Jhaveri
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Snehal
Dr. Snehal Jhaveri is one of the most esteemed doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Snehal Specializations
- Pediatrician
- Neonatologist
Dr.Snehal Education
- MBBS - School of Physiotherapy, BYL Nair hospital ,Byculla, Mumbai
- Diploma in Child Health (DCH) - College of physicians and Surgeons Mumbai
- FCPS - Child Health - College of physicians and Surgeons Mumbai
- DNB - Paediatrics - National Board Of Examination
Dr.Snehal Experience
LecturerIn Neonatology in Paediatrics at K.J.Somaiya Medical College.
Neonatal and Paeditric IntensivistAt Holy Spirit Hospital
Dr.Snehal Registration
- 79571 Maharashtra Medical Council 1996
- Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP)
- Indian epilepsy association and indian epilepsy society
- General practioners association of mumbai
- Medical Club Of Vile Parle
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Fever Treatment
- Nebulisations
- New Born Care
- Allergy Testing
- Viral Fever Treatment
- Infectious Disease Treatment