Dr. Somi Solomon
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Somi
Dr. Somi Solomon is a reputed doctor in Bengaluru with over 15 years of experience.
Dr.Somi Specializations
- Pediatrician
Dr.Somi Education
- MD - Pediatrics - Texilla American University
- MBBS - JJMMC Davangere RGUHS Bangalore
Dr.Somi Experience
Medical OfficerSk Hospital, Credence Hospital, Lords Hospital2010 - 2014
PediatricianNarayana Hrudayalaya2014 - 2017
Consultant PediatricianVijayashree Multispeciality Hospital2017 - 2018
Dr.Somi Registration
- 85758 Karnataka Medical Council 2009
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP)
- Development Assessment
- Tonsillitis Treatment
- New Born Care
- Viral Fever Treatment
- Infectious Disease Treatment