Dr. Sonam Ruikar
10 years of experience
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About Dr.Sonam
Dr. Sonam Ruikar is a highly skilled Homoeopath in Navi Mumbai. He holds an experience of 9 years in medical field. He has done his BHMS from PHMC in 2013. He currently consults at All Is Well Clinic Exclusive Homeopathy in Kharghar(Navi Mumbai).
Dr.Sonam Specializations
- Homoeopath
Dr.Sonam Education
Dr.Sonam Experience
DocterKamat Hospital Dombivali2013 - 2018
Dr.Sonam Registration
- 62860 Maharashtra Council of Homoeopathy 2015
- Corn Removal
- Mesotherapy
- Skin Rash Treatment
- Diabetes In Children
- Nutritional Assessment
- Diet Counseling
- Skin Allergies
- Skin Care