Dr. S.s. Shamsudeen
24 years of experience
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About Dr.S.s.
Dr. S.s. Shamsudeen is a highly skilled doctor in Chennai.
Dr.S.s. Specializations
- Dentist
- Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr.S.s. Awards
- Dr.MGR University Award for Securing highest marks in Oral Pathology and Microbiology 2012
Dr.S.s. Education
- BDS - Raja's dental college
- MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Ragas Dental College Hospital
Dr.S.s. Experience
Consultant Oral and Maxilofacial Pathologist & Dental SurgeonFathima Multispeciality Dental Clinic
Dr.S.s. Registration
- 6438 Tamil Nadu State Dental Council 2002
- Indian Dental Association
- Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist
- Tooth Extraction
- Oral Surgery Procedures
- Dental Fillings
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Presurgical Orthodontics
- Oral Maxillofacial Surgery