Dr. Subbiah Shanmugam
Surgical Oncologist
36 years of experience
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About Dr.Subbiah
Dr. Subbiah Shanmugam is a highly skilled doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Subbiah Specializations
- Surgical Oncologist
- Gynecologic Oncologist
Dr.Subbiah Awards
- Oration in ASI TN & P Chapter
Dr.Subbiah Education
- MBBS - Government Tirunelveli Medical College
- MS - Oncology Government Tirunelveli Medical College
- M.Ch. - Oncology Government Kilpauk Medical College
Dr.Subbiah Experience
Senior Consultant - Surgical Oncology (Part Time)Institute of Oncology
Dr.Subbiah Registration
- 47466 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1990
- Association of Surgeons India
- Indian Association of Surgical Oncologists
- Indian Association of Endocrine Surgeons
- Indian Society of Oncologists
- Breast Cancer Management
- Gynecological Cancer Treatment