Dr. Suchanda Goswami Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
36 years of experience
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About Dr.Suchanda
Dr. Suchanda Goswami is a highly skilled doctor in Kolkata.
Dr.Suchanda Specializations
- Oncologist
Dr.Suchanda Education
- MBBS - University of Calcutta
- DMRT - University of Mumbai
- MD - Radiotherapy - Tata Memorial Hospital (University of Mumbai)
Dr.Suchanda Experience
Dr.Suchanda Registration
- 47346 West Bengal Medical Council 1989
- Association of Radiation oncologist of India
- Association of Medical Physicist of India
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Radiotherapy
- Breast Cancer Treatment
- Breast Cancer Management
- Stereotactic Radio Surgery Srs
- Stereotactic Body Radio Therapy Sbrt
- Treatment Of Central Nervous System Tumors
- Image Guided Radio Therapy Igrt
- Brachytherapy Internal Radiation Therapy
- Cranial Cyber Knife Radiosurgery