Dr. Sudhindra Kulkarni
30 years of experience
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About Dr.Sudhindra
Dr. Sudhindra Kulkarni is a renowned doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Sudhindra Specializations
- Diabetologist
- Endocrinologist
Dr.Sudhindra Awards
- National Merit Scholarship 1984
Dr.Sudhindra Education
- MBBS - Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
- MD - Medicine - Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai
- DM - Endocrinology - Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
Dr.Sudhindra Experience
Consultant EndocrinologistFortis Hospitals2007 - 2015
Consultant EndocrinologistKaruna & Bhaktivedant Hospitals,2005 - 2007
Consultant EndocrinologistNmk Hospital & Kkh, K S A2001 - 2004
Asso Consultant EndocrinologistP D Hinduja National Hospital,1997 - 2001
LecturerT N Medical College & Byl Nair Ch Hospital,1995 - 1997
Dr.Sudhindra Registration
- 63927 Maharashtra Medical Council 1990
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Endocrine Society of India
- Association of Medical Consultants
- American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)
- Diabetes In Children
- Diabetes Management
- Diabetes Renal Failure
- Diabetic Diet Counseling
- Diabetic Ulcer Treatment
- Diet Counseling
- Gestational Diabetes Management
- Hypertension Treatment
- Insulin Treatment
- Pituitary Diseases
- Thyroid Disorder Treatment
- Type 1 Diabetes Treatment
- Type 2 Diabetes Treatment