Dr. Sujoy Maitra
29 years of experience
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About Dr.Sujoy
Dr. Sujoy Maitra is a highly skilled doctor in Kolkata.
Dr.Sujoy Specializations
- Gastroenterologist
- Hepatologist
Dr.Sujoy Awards
- Research 1. Factors affecting the outcome of Intensive care patients with decompensated Alcoholic liver disease This project was with Dr Ian Nesbitt, Consultant Intensive Medicine, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle. I was the lead of this project. 2. Effecti
Dr.Sujoy Education
- MBBS - Calcutta National Medical College
- MD - General Medicine - Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research (IPGMER, SSKM Hospital), Kolkata
- MRCP (UK) - Royal Colleges Of Physicians,london, Uk
Dr.Sujoy Experience
Consultant - Gastroenterology / Hepatobilliary SciencesFortis Hospital Anandapur2018 - 2019
Dr.Sujoy Registration
- 50985 West Bengal Medical Council 1994
- Indian Society of Gastroenterology
- British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG)
- British Medical Association, UK
- Abdominal Pain Treatment
- Acute Pancreatitis Treatment
- Appendicitis Treatment
- Bladder Cancer Surgery
- Colitis Treatment
- Colonoscopy
- Constipation Treatment
- Ercp
- Gastritis Treatment
- Gastroenteritis Treatment
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
- Gastroscopy
- Hemorrhoids Treatment
- Hepatitis A Treatment
- Hepatitis B Treatment
- Hepatitis C Treatment
- Hepatitis D Treatment
- Hepatitis E Treatment
- Jaundice Treatment
- Liver Disease Treatment
- Pancreas Transplantation
- Steatosis
- Ulcerative Colitis Treatment
- Liver Transplantation