Dr. Sumit Bhatti
Ent/ Otorhinolaryngologist
35 years of experience
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About Dr.Sumit
Dr. Sumit Bhatti is a reputed doctor in Pune with over 35 years of experience.
Dr.Sumit Specializations
- Ent/ Otorhinolaryngologist
- Allergist/Immunologist
- Head And Neck Surgeon
Dr.Sumit Awards
- President Association of Otolaryngologists of India, Pune Branch 2011
- Professor, Guide & Examiner for National Board of Examinations, (DNB) 2013
- Chairman: Surgical Demonstration Comittee for 65th AOICON 2013(Annual Conference of the Association Otolaryngologist of India) 2013
Dr.Sumit Education
- MBBS - Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College & Sasson General Hospital, Pune
- MS - ENT - Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College & Sasson General Hospital, Pune
- Certifcate course in Cochlear Implant - Center Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Lille, France
- Diploma in Allergy and clinical Immunology - Societa Italiana Di Rinologia
Dr.Sumit Experience
ENT SpecalistPrudent International Health Clinic1994 - 2019
Head of ENT DepartmentPrudent Clinic Koregaon Park2017 - 2019
Dr.Sumit Registration
- 67200 Maharashtra Medical Council 1991
- Association of Otolaryngologists of India (AOI)
- Indian Voice Association
- Indian Society of Otology
- Immunity Therapy
- Sentinel Node Biopsy
- Dizziness
- Polysomnography
- Infectious Disease Treatment
- Vertigo
- Injectable Fillers
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Sinonasal Malignancies
- Sinus Surgery
- Sinusitis
- Uvulopalatoplasty
- Ear Drum Repair
- Ear Micro Surgery
- Ear Pain
- Myringotomy
- Ear Reconstruction
- Ear Reconstructive Surgery
- Pre And Post Delivery Care
- Skin Tag Surgical Removal
- Eardrum Rupture Treatment
- Snoring
- Nasal Polypectomy
- Skull Base Surgery
- Sleep Apnea
- Electrophysiology Hearing
- Sleep Disorder Treatment
- Nasal Septum Surgery
- Nasal And Sinus Allergy Care
- Nasofibrolaryngoscopy
- Nasofriboscopia
- Sleep Disturbance
- Sleep Study
- Nasal Endoscopy
- Vertigo Treatment
- Sneezing
- Cheek Augmentation
- Cheek Implant
- Allergy Testing
- Allergy Treatment
- Eosinophilia Treatment
- Speaking Difficulty
- Specialty Diagnostics In Tuberculosis
- Speech Audiometry
- Irregular Sleep
- Vocal Cord Surgery
- Speech Therapy
- New Born Care
- Fracture Nasal Bone Correction
- Frontal Sinus Surgery
- Nose Reshaping
- Chickenpox Treatment
- Electrocaurtry
- Assistive Listening Devices
- Stapedectomy
- Giddiness
- Language Presa
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Language Stimulation
- Voice Therapy
- Oral Cancer Treatment
- Laryngeal Biopsy
- Laryngectomy
- Laryngoscopy
- Laser
- Surgery For Snoring
- Cleft Lip Repair
- Cleft Lip And Palate
- Laser Lip Surgery
- Stuffy Nose
- Laser Resurfacing
- Cochlear Implants
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children
- Surgery Of The Facial Nerve
- Laser Surgeries For Head And Neck Lesions
- Pure Tone Audiometry
- Face Lift
- Ossiculoplasty
- Facial Plastic Surgery
- Grommet Insertion
- Laser Treatment For Ringworm
- Facial Cosmetic Surgery
- Otoplasty
- Congenital Ear Problem Treatment
- Hiv Treatment
- Lip Augmentation
- Lip Reduction
- Head And Neck Infection Treatment
- Reconstructive Middle Ear Surgery
- Hearing Aid Fitting
- Hearing Deficiency Assessment
- Reconstructive Surgery
- Balance Exercises
- Balloon Sinuplasty
- Parotid Surgery
- Forehead Lift
- Rehabilitation Labyrinthine
- Hearing Loss
- Thread Lift
- Hoarseness
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Audiogram Audiometry Impedance
- Pediatric Otolaryngology
- Auditory Processing
- Auriculotherapy
- Audiometry Test
- Tonsillectomy
- Headache Management
- Thyroid Disorder Treatment
- Thyroid Surgery
- Thyroidectomy
- Thyroplasty
- Tongue Tie Release
- Tonsillitis Treatment
- Trouble Sleeping
- Pediatric Sleep Disorders
- Herpes Infection Treatment
- Blepharoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- Running Nose
- Tracheostomy
- Salivary Gland Surgery
- Microsurgery Of The Larynx
- Botox Injections
- Septoplasty
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Travel Vaccination And Consultation
- Treatment Of Epistaxis
- Hypophysectomy
- Phonosurgery
- Bronchial Asthma Treatment
- Brow Lift
- Scar Revision Surgery
- Mole Removal
- Treatments For Ringworm
- Pillar Procedure
- Csf Rhinorrhoea Repair Surgery
- Dimple Creation
- Pityriasis Rosea
- Sebaceous Cyst Excision
- Plastic Surgery