Dr. Sunil Shanklesha
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Sunil
Dr. Sunil Shanklesha is one of the most esteemed Dentist, Cosmetic/aesthetic Dentist and Implantologist in Thane.He holds an experience of 13 years in medical field. He has been been honored with First in college in First & Third Year BDS - 2008 award, Course In Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dentistry - 2011 award and Courses On Basic & Advanced Implant Surgery - 2012 award. He has completed his BDS from KGF College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Kolar in 2010. He carries his medicinal practice at Shanklesha Multispeciality Dental Clinic in Kalyan City(Thane). He is a respected member of Indian Dental Association.
Dr.Sunil Specializations
- Dentist
- Cosmetic/aesthetic Dentist
- Implantologist
Dr.Sunil Awards
- First in college in First & Third Year BDS 2008
- Course In Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dentistry 2011
- Courses On Basic & Advanced Implant Surgery 2012
Dr.Sunil Education
- BDS - KGF College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Kolar
Dr.Sunil Experience
DentistShree Dental Hospital2010 - 2011
DentistShanklesha Multi Speciality Dental Clinic2011 - 2014
DentistBasveshwara Dental Clinic2009 - 2010
Dr.Sunil Registration
- A 27317 Karnataka State Dental Council 2010
- Indian Dental Association
- Tumors And Cysts
- Post And Core
- Prosthetic Care And Rehabilitation
- Dental Braces Fixing
- Endo Surgery Or Apicoectomy
- Maxillo Facial Prosthodontics
- Smile Design
- Gap Closing
- Periodontal Flap Surgery
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Laminates
- Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Thineers
- Flap Surgery
- Immediate Dentures