Dr. Suresh R
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Suresh
Dr. Suresh R is a renowned doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Suresh Specializations
- Dentist
- Dental Surgeon
- Prosthodontist
Dr.Suresh Awards
- Colgate - IDA Scholarship For Final Year Topper 2007
- Colgate - IDA Scholarship For Third Year Topper 2006
- Certificate of Merit - Indian Society Of Periodontology 2008
- Certificate Of Merit For University 1st Rank - SRM University 2008
Dr.Suresh Education
- MDS - Prosthodontics - All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
- BDS - The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University (TNMGRMU)
Dr.Suresh Experience
Junior ResidentAll India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi2010 - 2012
Assistant ProfessorSRM University2013 -
Dr.Suresh Registration
- 11608 Tamil Nadu State Dental Council 2008
- Indian Dental Association
- Indian Prosthodontic Society
- Dental Council of India
- Tooth Extraction
- Smile Design
- Maxillo Facial Prosthodontics
- Tooth Coloured Fillings
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Bleeding Gums Treatment