Dr. T. Chandrashekar Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Veterinary Physician
34 years of experience
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About Dr.T.
Dr. T. Chandrashekar is a Veterinary Physician in Vijayanagar, Bangalore and has an experience of 33 years in this field. Dr. T. Chandrashekar practices at Sunil Pet Clinic in Vijayanagar, Bangalore and Sunil Veterinary Pet Clinic in Nagarbhavi, Bangalore. He completed Bachelor in Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandary (BVSc & AH) from University of Agril Science in 1991 and M. V. Sc from University of Agril Science in 2002.
He is a member of Indian Veterinary Association and P.P.A.K. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Dental Checkup (General) and Vaccination/ Immunization etc.
Dr.T. Specializations
- Veterinary Physician
Dr.T. Education
- B. V. Sc - Veterinary College, Bangalore
- M. V. Sc - Veterinary College, Bangalore
Dr.T. Experience
OwnerSunil Pet Clinic
Dr.T. Registration
- 1876 Karnataka Veterinary Council 1999
- Indian Veterinary Association
- P.P.A.K
- Veterinary Treatment