Dr. T Padmanabhan Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
42 years of experience
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About Dr.T
Dr. T Padmanabhan is a renowned doctor in Chennai.
Dr.T Specializations
- Implantologist
- Prosthodontist
- Dentist
Dr.T Awards
- Nominated by the Annamalai University Tamil Nadu to represent at National University of Health Singapore
- Assigned by the Indian Dental association, as a Recipient of the Prestigious Scholarship from Japan Dental Associations to visit Kyushu Dental College Fukuoka. Japan. 1991
Dr.T Education
- BDS - Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennai
- MDS - Prosthodontics - Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennai
Dr.T Experience
Professor and HeadDepartment of Prosthodontics Sri Ramachandra Dental College2004 -
ProfessorDepartment of Prosthodontics Saveetha Dental College1996 - 2004
LecturerDepartment of Prosthodontics Sri Rajah Muthaih Institute of Health Sciences,Annamalai University1988 - 1992
Dr.T Registration
- 785 Tamil Nadu State Dental Council 1983
- Executive counsil member and country representative of Asian Academy of osseo-integration
- Indian Prosthodontic Society
- Indian Dental Association
- Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP)
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Artificial Teeth