Dr. Talat Salim
26 years of experience
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About Dr.Talat
Dr. Talat Salim is a highly skilled doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Talat Specializations
- Unani
- Trichologist
- Cosmetologist
Dr.Talat Awards
- Gold Medalist 1996
Dr.Talat Education
- BUMS - The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University (TNMGRMU)
- L.T.T.S. (London )(Graduate of The Trichological Society) - The Trichological Society , London
- PG Diploma In Clinical Cosmetology (PGDCC) - Institute of Laser and Aesthetic India
Dr.Talat Experience
DoctorDoctor At Sehat Scalp And Hair Clinic2016 - 2017
Dr.Talat Registration
- 0370 Tamil Nadu Board Of Indian Medicine 2008
- Indian Board of Alternative Medicines
- The Trichological Society , London
- Mesotherapy
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Hair Regrowth
- Dandruff Treatment
- Alopecia Areta Treatment
- Melasma Treatment
- Scalp Treatment