Dr. Taminder Dhillon
37 years of experience
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About Dr.Taminder
Dr. Taminder Dhillon is a highly skilled doctor in Chandigarh.
Dr.Taminder Specializations
- Gynecologist/Obstetrician
Dr.Taminder Education
- MBBS - Dayanand Medical College & Hospital Ludhiana, Punjab
- DGO - Dayanand Medical College & Hospital Ludhiana, Punjab
- MD - Midwifery & Gynecology - Dayanand Medical College & Hospital Ludhiana, Punjab
Dr.Taminder Experience
Senior Gynaecologist At Amar HospitalAMAR Hospital1994 - 2015
Senior GynaecologistApollo Clinic2017 - 2018
Head Of Obs & Gynae DeptFrances Newton Mission Hospital1988 - 1993
Dr.Taminder Registration
- 23263 Punjab Medical Council 2004
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Female Infertility Treatment
- Vaginal Infection Treatment