Dr. Tanuja Deshpande Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Tanuja
Dr. Tanuja Deshpande is a reputed doctor in Mumbai with over 16 years of experience.
Dr.Tanuja Specializations
- Dentist
Dr.Tanuja Awards
- Rank 3 in Rajeev Gandhi University, Karnataka 2013
- Dr V P Jayade Award for Scoring Maximum Marks in Orthodontics 2013
Dr.Tanuja Education
- BDS - Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College Hospital, Pune
- MDS - Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics - SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad
Dr.Tanuja Experience
Consultant orthodontistDental clinics in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai2009 - 2017
Dr.Tanuja Registration
- A17701 Maharashtra State Dental Council 2009
- Cleft Lip And Palate
- Invisible Orthodontics
- Jaw Orthopedics
- Orthodontic Treatment
- Orthognathic Surgery
- Presurgical Orthodontics