Dr. Uday Mukherjee
33 years of experience
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About Dr.Uday
Dr. Uday Mukherjee is a highly skilled doctor in Kolkata.
Dr.Uday Specializations
- Dentist
- Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr.Uday Awards
- Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery & Dentistry 2017
Dr.Uday Education
- FDSRCS - Fellowship in Dental Surgery - Royal College Of Surgeons, England
- MDS - Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College Hospital
- BDS - Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College Hospital
Dr.Uday Experience
Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonAMRI Hospitals1996 - 2016
Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonApollo Glengeagles Hospital2007 - 2019
Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonNHS England, United Kingdom1998 - 2003
Dr.Uday Registration
- WB1276A West Bengal State Dental Council 1990
- British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
- International Association Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS)
- Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India (AOMSI)
- Indian Dental Association
- Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology (FHNO)
- AO- Cranio- Maxillofacial Surgery, Switzerland
- Advanced Surgery In Implantology
- Amalgam Removal
- Bleeding Gums Treatment
- Bps Dentures Fixing
- Ceramic Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Channel Treatment
- Cleft Lip Repair
- Cosmetic Makeovers
- Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Damon System
- Dental Examinations
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Dental Prophylaxis
- Dental Restoration
- Facial Aesthetic Surgery
- Facial Trauma
- Fixed Prosthodontics
- Gap Closing
- Implant Prosthesis
- Implant Rehabilitation
- Implant Retained Dentures
- Inlays And Onlays
- Jaw Orthopedics
- Jaw Reshaping
- Laser Depigmentation
- Laser Surgery
- Maxillo Facial Prosthodontics
- Maxillofacial Prosthetics
- Metal Braces Fixing
- Mouth Guard
- Oral Cancer Treatment
- Oral Lesions Screening
- Oral Rehabilitation
- Oral Surgery Procedures
- Orthodontic Treatment
- Orthognathic Surgery
- Osseointegrated Implants
- Palate Surgery
- Porcelain Inlays And Onlays
- Preparation For Dentures
- Presurgical Orthodontics
- Pulpectomy
- Retention Implant Dentures
- Smile Design
- Space Maintainers
- Surgical Tooth Extraction
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction
- Zirconia Crowns