Dr. Uday A Murgod
31 years of experience
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About Dr.Uday
Dr. Uday A Murgod is one of the most esteemed doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Uday Specializations
- Neurologist
Dr.Uday Awards
- Lower risk of Parkinson’s disease in an admixed population of European and Indian origins Movement Disorders 2003 Aug; 18(8): 912-4 2003
- Molecular analysis of Huntington’s disease and linked polymorphisms in the Indian population Acta Neurol Scand 2003; 107: 1-6 2003
- Persistent movement disorders following Japanese Encephalitis Neurology. 2001 Dec 26; 57(12): 2313-5. 2001
Dr.Uday Education
- MBBS - Jagadguru Jayadeva Murugarajendra Medical College (JJMMC)
- MD - General Medicine - Jagadguru Jayadeva Murugarajendra Medical College (JJMMC)
- DM - Neurology - National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS)
Dr.Uday Experience
Junior Registrar , Dept. of NeurologyManipal Hospital1994 - 1996
D.M. Senior ResidentNational Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences2000 - 2000
Assistant Professor , Dept. of NeurologySt.John's2002 - 2003
Dr.Uday Registration
- KMC 31769 Karnataka Medical Council 1991
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Artificial Cervical Disc Replacement
- Brain Aneursym Surgery
- Brain Mapping
- Brain Suite
- Brain Surgery
- Brain Tumor Surgery
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt
- Cerebrovascular Surgery
- Cervical Posterior Foraminotomy
- Craniotomy
- Csf Rhinorrhoea Repair Surgery
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- Dekompressor Discectomy
- Dementia Treatment
- Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release
- Epilepsy Surgery
- Epilepsy Treatment
- Fibromyalgia Treatment
- Foot Drop
- Functional Sclerotherapy
- Insomnia Treatment
- Interspinous Process Decompression
- Lumbar Puncture
- Lumbar Radiofrequency Neurotomy
- Micro Endoscopic Discectomy
- Migraine Treatment
- Motor Coordination
- Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
- Nerve And Muscle Disorders
- Paralysis
- Peripheral Nerve
- Pet Scan
- Sciatica Pain Treatment
- Skull Base Surgery
- Sleep Disorder Treatment
- Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant
- Spinal Tap
- Total Disc Replacement
- Vascular Brain Diseases
- Vascular Surgery
- Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt
- Vertebroplasty
- Vertigo Treatment