Dr. Varun Kumar Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Varun
Dr. Varun Kumar is one of the most esteemed doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Varun Specializations
- Dentist
- Orthodontist
- Dentofacial Orthopedist
Dr.Varun Education
- BDS - Yerala Medical Trust Research Centres Dental College Hospital
- MDS - Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics - Tver Medical State University
Dr.Varun Experience
ConsultantVarious2009 - 2015
Dr.Varun Registration
- A19013 Maharashtra State Dental Council 2010
- Mouth Guard
- Braces Adjustment
- Pulpectomy
- Ceramic Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Dental Braces Fixing
- Oral Surgery Procedures
- Metal Braces Fixing
- Orthodontic Treatment
- Invisible Orthodontics
- Bleeding Gums Treatment
- Presurgical Orthodontics