Dr. Venkatesh Sekhar
34 years of experience
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About Dr.Venkatesh
Dr. Venkatesh Sekhar is a highly skilled doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Venkatesh Specializations
- Periodontist
- Implantologist
- Dentist
Dr.Venkatesh Education
- BDS - Madras Dental College
- MDS - Periodontology and Oral Implantology - Madras Dental College
- Certificate of Oral Implantology - American Academy of Implant Dentisry
Dr.Venkatesh Experience
Empanelled Dental SurgeonSundaram Clayton Ltd1991 - 2016
Dr.Venkatesh Registration
- 1277 Tamil Nadu State Dental Council 1990
- Indian Society Of Periodontology
- Indian Dental Association
- Artificial Teeth
- Tooth Extraction
- Mucogingival Surgery
- Acrylic Partial Denture
- Inlays And Onlays
- Endo Surgery Or Apicoectomy
- Bps Dentures Fixing
- Periodontal Flap Surgery
- Dental Fillings
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Laminates
- Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Cast Partial Denture
- Flap Surgery
- Immediate Dentures